The War Queens by Rachel Hazell (May-June 2024)

Please join us for the spring 2024 blog tour for The War Queens by Rachel Hazell, published by Tellwell Talent in October 2023.

warqueensBy the sixth century, the Roman Empire is already lost to tribal invasions, brutal Merovingian Franks have seized Gaul from the civilized Romanized Visigoths, and a dark age has descended across Europe. Now a deadly rivalry arises between two Merovingian queens. Brunhilda and Fredegunda are equals in beauty and intelligence, but opposite in vision and temperament.

When the Franks demand a royal bride, Visigoth Brunhilda marries into a world that despises women. Suddenly thrust into power and repeatedly facing loss and grief, she seeks to revive a new Rome based on justice and prosperity. Her implacable foe, Fredegunda, is a former slave concubine who lives only for personal power. Insanely jealous of high-born Brunhilda, she uses seduction, assassination, war, and even witchcraft in her campaign to destroy her. Can Brunhilda survive this onslaught of evil? Can her vision survive?

Advance Praise:

About the Author:

Rebecca Hazell is a writer and artist whose nonfiction books for children garnered awards and critical praise, and were optioned for a television series. Her historical trilogy – The Grip of God, Solomon’s Bride, and Consolamentum – is still in print after more than a decade. Before entering the world of books, she created educational materials for high schools that were used across the United States. She lives on Vancouver Island with her husband; her grown children and sister live nearby. Find out more by visiting

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The War Queens

Available on Amazon.

Tour Schedule:

May 13: Lavender Orchids (review)

May 15: History From A Woman’s Perspective (review)

May 17: Novels Alive (review)

June 3: History From a Woman’s Perspective (interview)

June 4: Review Tales (interview)

June 7: AdventureinLit (Instagram review)

June 10: True Book Addict (review)

Follow the tour with the hashtag #WarQueens

About sagustocox

Serena is a Bachelor of Arts graduate of Suffolk University in Boston, still interested in the nuances of politics and the interplay of words on a page to create vivid imagery, convey meaning, and interpret the world. She has moved from the sticks of small town Massachusetts to the outskirts of Washington, D.C. where she writes more vigorously than she did in her college seminars. Poems can be read in issues of Beginnings Magazine, LYNX, Muse Apprentice Guild, The Harrow, Poems Niederngasse, Avocet, and Pedestal Magazine.

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